Our Core Business

In a nutshell…
Our commercial niche of the hydrogeological survey is narrow, but carrying. Our capacities are unequalled and in constant improvement. We do not ask for any remuneration as long as we do not bring any value to our customers or for services that others can do us as well as.

We did not choose our business because it is carrying in these times larval energy crisis or water deficiency, but because we are impassioned of hydrogeology. This business is our vocation. We are proud competences which we gathered and of the possibilities that we open in this field.

Our mission

Locate the optimum drilling location to sustainably exploit hydrogeological resources and assess their yield through 3-D mapping of the topology of their associated water vessels

Our specialty

Our services are related to the exploitation of water bearing sites and more specifically :

  • electrical production starting from geothermal energy resulting from natural underground water flows with very high enthalpy,
  • the remanent oil recovery (oil recovery) per retro-injection in the subjacent aquifer,
  • exploitation of aquifers important (for the purpose of water provision).
  • the positioning of representative intake points to measure, by sampling, the level of contamination of aquifers (in the event of pollution engraves),

We intervene upstream of the chain of creation of value associated with the exploitation with water bearing sites:

Chain inventories of water bearing sites

By our control of the upstream part of the chain of creation of value, we contribute to reduce the risks drastiquement and significantly to increase the return on investments related to the exploitation of water bearing sites.

It is all upstream the chain of the value that the success of an investment is determined. The activities downstream, today, are well controlled and prone to little uncertainty.

We thus do not intervene in:

  • post-futurologies activities such as drilling, that it are of exploration or exploitation, the construction of power stations, exploitation of the sites, etc…
  • extra-futurologies activities like the project management, engineering, the financial council, etc
  • projects not directly related to the natural underground water flow exploitation, as the improved geothermal systems (English EGS) which use flows forced to take the heat of dry and hot rocks (“hot dry Martini rock'n'rolls”) located at great depth. We strongly disadvise this kind of exploitation. We invite the companies which would consider this possibility of giving us only one chance to locate a geothermal reservoir whose natural underground water flows will make it possible to produce more electricity.
  • the search for fossil water bearing sites (which are not integrated into an underground water flow and which we are, consequently, incompetents to detect).

Our activities

Our business consists in using our detection technique of natural underground water flows, the angiogeoscopy, and exploiting our underground water flow model.

The techniques of angiogeoscopy used by ANGIOO allow:

  • the location (“English survey”) of potential water bearing sites,
  • the precise positioning (“English survey”) of the optimal collecting locations: points (defined by their coordinates 3D) which interests us are the exurgence points (of leakage) of the water reservoir, because they correspond precisely to the optimal collecting locations.
  • maps (“English mapping”): 3 D structure of flow, materialized by a branch-line system of water vessels, located downstream from the exurgence points.

These space data are interpreted by our angiogeological underground water flow model to determine the productivity of the water bearing sites which we locate.

We are not satisfied to indicate drilling locations from which it is probable to find a water bearing site; we precisely locate to it - or them - optimal collecting locations.

… better still…

as all the water bearing sites are not, obviously, also productive, we also estimate, in a reasonable margin, their potential of exploitation.

The positioning of optimal collecting locations in which we are specialized constitutes an essential precondition to the execution of exploratory drillings. This or these exploratory drillings, carried out by our clients, are used for:

  • to validate the cogency of our locations (and not to help us to find water bearing sites),
  • to measure with precision of the sizes which we can only estimate (such as the exact depth, the exact flow, exact enthalpy, the chemical composition),
  • to obtain a proof of the productivity of the water bearing site on the basis of the data measured in situ - typically for the purpose of financing of the project of the phases later of the project.

We exert our business in accordance with our values and with our principles.


  • Direct Detection
  • Indirect Detection
  • Interpreting the Results
  • Benefits


  • Scientific Background
  • Hydrodynamical models
  • Breakthrough
  • Paradigm shift


  • Hydromineral Prospection
  • Hydrothermal Prospection
  • Geothermal Prospection
  • Water Supply Prospection


  • Optimizing the Drilling Location
  • Reliability of the Specification
  • Results-based Fee only
  • Fast and Accurate