Benefits of Angiogeology
Angiogeology is revolutionizing hydrogeological surveys and geophysical exploration. It compresses the costs, reduces the risks and optimizes productivity. It makes exploittaion of hydrogeological resources sustainable exploitation
Angiogeology opens up incredible perspectives for geothermal, hydrothermal and hydromineral exploration.
The development of new electricity production capacities based on geothermal energy is typically slowed down by two factors :
- the high initial capital outlays required to cover the costs of geophysical research, exploratory drillings, set-up of the production and re-injection wells and the construction of the power station,
- the substantial risk of not discovering exploitable reservoirs which can be mitigated - partially at least - by more comprehensive geophysical researches and exploration drillings (but this comes at a cost).
Angiogeology, as applied by Angioo, acts on both fronts :
- it replaces the capital expenditure associated with geophysical research and survey by result-based recurring fees (i.e. it converts CAPEX into OPEX).
- it substantially increases the chances of discovering exploitable reservoirs.
- it specifies the optimum drilling location.
We act upstream of the hydrogeologfical value creation chain. Building and exploiting power stations based on geothermal energy is well mastered today, both from a technological perspective and from a project management perspective. This does not hold true for discovering the optimum exploitation spot of hydrogeological resources.
First Benefit : Angiogeology removes exploration uncertainty
Angiogeology-based surveys are precise enough to determine the optimum collecting spot of a hydrogeological resource. Thanks to angiogeology, the initial capital outlay required to prove the existence and to quantify the productivity potential of any hydrogeological resource (geothermal, hydrothermal, hydromineral...) is limited to :
- the acquisition of the exploration rights,
- the cost of one exploration drilling well.
This makes that the initial investment required to determine the productivity of a geothermal, hydrothermal or mineral-water site is small with respect to the total investment of the production site but suffices to secure the loans needed.
Consequence: The entry cost of assessing the productivity potential of geophysical resources no longer dissuasive.
Second Benefit : Angiogeology substantially lowers the initial capital outlay.
To build a geothermal power station - whatever the type - is no longer a technological challenge; it is an exploration challenge.
The return on investment depends on the outcome of the exploration. Angiogeology keeps the following capital outlays to their bare minimum :
- Expenses of research: the expenses of investment of an angiogeological survey are worthless (our remuneration is based only on the incomes actually carried out starting from the collecting wells that we specify),
- exploratory drillings: only one exploratory drilling is enough to prove the existence of an optimum collecting location,
- The well of working: only one well of working by geothermal reservoir is also enough; this well will not be in competition with natural outgoing flows resulting from this reservoir (since it will coincide with the point from where those come),
- The injection wells are not fewer (than with a traditional approach), but much less deep, because one benefits from ascending natural flow to go to mend itself much more downstream from the natural flow,
- The systems of treatment of the geological fluid in entry (to protect the equipment) and at exit (to minimize the environmental impact) substantially reduced thanks to the fact that the collecting well is done at the place where the geological fluid is purest, because taken at the place where it runs out naturally.
The bulk of these investments generally exceeds half of the entire investments. Moreover, the speed and the reliability of the survey significantly compress the operational expenses at the beginning of project. The station of the least affected investment by the savings made thanks to angiogeology is that of the electrical production.
Consequence: Angiogeology drastically reduces the initial investment.
Third Benefit : Angiogeology maximizes the exploitation revenue.
Angiogeology localizes with precision, reliability and effectiveness the optimal collecting spot of any type of water reservoir. These points correspond to the maximum tapping possibility of the site because these spots:
- concentrate the totality of the natural outgoing flow from the reservoir,
- can be localized with exceptional precision by our proprietary technique : angiogeoscopy,
- are located at a point of the reservoir among the closest ones to the surface (typically situated between 1 and maximum 2 kilometers deep),
- minimize the risk of obstruction, because a natural flow circulates through them since “geological times”,
- are the place where the geological fluid is the purest (i.e. it contains the least suspended particles and non dissolvable gases),
- correspond to the position where a collecting well perturbs the least the underground hydrodynamics and affects the least the lithospheric tensions thereby reducing the risk of induced seismicity.
Consequence: Thanks to angiogeology, the revenue drawn from a water bearing site corresponds to the maximum possible revenue under the prevailing market conditions.
Forth Benefit : Angiogeology maximizes exploitation well life expectation.
An essential characteristic of the sites exploiting geothermal reservoirs or hydrothermal or mineral-water is the low cost of exploitation. These low operational expenditures compensates for the high capital expenditure. An additional fact that shouldn't be overlooked is that the profitability of geothermal exploitations is substantially reduced by their small lifetime (which is about 20 years providing a major well maintenance takes place around mid-life. This is not the case for an exploitation based on angiogeological specification which is not limited in time (at least with respect to time scales relevant to human beings).
Angiogeology improves considerably the lifetime of an exploitation site because it exploits an underground water flow at its natural point of passage which exists since eons. The duration of exploitation of a water bearing site is forced more by the effect only has this one on the layer (disturbance of the natural cycle, deposits,…) as in the case of a traditional exploitation. It thus exceeds very largely the lifetime of the equipment which, them, can be much more easily renewed.
Consequence: Exploiting drilling locations determined by angiogeoscopy substantially increases the ROI by extending the well lifetime.
Fifth Benefit : Angiogeology maximizes the exploitation potential of a clean and renewable energy.
Contrary to gas and oil extraction, electricity production from geothermal energy is a renewable energy. High enthalpy water is part of a natural cycle. It produces negligible emissions of greenhouse gas compared to the traditional power stations of electrical production (containing coal, of gas, oil).
If the collected water is correctly recycled an angiogeological exploitation negligibly disturbs the natural water cycle (in particular the ascending cycle).
Moreover, angiogeoscopy makes it possible to detect quickly and reliably many more geothermal , hydrothermal or mineral-water reservoirs than through other research techniques. Whereas traditional research mainly focus on geothermal reservoirs producing surface thermal manifestations, angiogeoscopy can detect any reservoir even those which do not produce any surface thermal manifestation. Geothermal reservoirs producing such surface thermal manifestations are in the order of 1 ‰ (one thousandth) of all geothermal reservoirs and present everywhere on earth, even on places not associated the exploitable potential of the geothermal reservoirs present in all the areas of the sphere - even those famous at low geothermal potential.
Consequence: Angiogeology releases a natural energy of exploitation, under-exploited today.
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